Should I take group classes or private lessons?
It is recommended that students take combination of both private and group lessons. KBA’s group class curriculum is designed to take students through a clear logical progression of the dances, but private lessons are very helpful to fine tune any individual dance needs.
Do I need a partner to dance?
Ballroom Dance is a hobby done with a partner yes, but you don’t need a partner to start learning. Many students find practice partners through their lessons.
How long are private lessons?
Private lessons are 40 minutes of instruction.
Why are lessons 40 minutes?
It is recommended that students practice for a minimum of 15 minute after lessons. This allows students a chance to solidify what they have learned. In private lessons students get immense information. If students stop immediately following the lesson it is common for much of the information introduced to be forgotten.
What is the cost to practice at the studio?
The cost to practice at the studio is $5 per day of practice per person. Students enrolled in two or more classes at once can practice for free for that semester. There is also no practice fee for students one hour before or after their group or private lessons.
Are lesson prices per person or per couple?
The cost of private lessons is per couple and the cost of group lessons is per person.
What is the cost of group classes?
Drop in lessons at $15 per class. Series classes are $60 for five week classes.
How much is a private lesson?
Private lessons are $85 per lesson.
Is there a cost for the group practice sessions and can anyone attend?
The group practice sessions are only open to current enrolled students and are free.
How much is it to rent a dance instructional video from the student library?
Student can rent any video from the student library for $5 for a three day rental. Students can also check them during practice in the studio of $2.50 if returned the same day.
Can anyone do competitive dancing?
Yes, dance competitions are set up so students only compete at their dance and age level. So you could be anywhere from a beginner 88 year old to an advanced 12year old. Also students can compete in AM-AM that is students dancing with students or Pro-AM students dancing with teachers or both.
Do I need special shoes?
Although there are special shoes made for Ballroom Dancing you do not need them on your first few lessons. We can help you with the kind of shoes to get.
Are there any Scholarships available?
The studio does offer a limited number of Scholarships based on students income and drive. If a student is in financial need for a scholarship they must complete a one page essay on themselves and why they desire to take lessons. With the essay they must submit their yearly household income. Scholarships are based on need and range from 10% off lessons to full tuition.